Tag: success


8 Ways I Transformed My Life

I was exhausted, ready to give up, and burned out on life. My overachiever self had finally busted through that last barrier and I couldn’t go another step. My life sucked and I didn’t know how to fix it. One day, I woke up tired of the bullshit. And this is how I designed my best life. A life of fulfillment, and the life I deserve. This is where it all began and continues to grow from.


International Quit Your Crappy Job Day!

The day is here! No more excuses! It’s time to prioritize the things that matter in your life and that includes… YOU!! Whether you’re 15, 25, 35, or 65, now is the time to reflect and take a good long hard look at your life. You will never get another now and tomorrow is not guaranteed. If you’re daily being and presence at work doesn’t light your soul on fire, then maybe you should consider doing something else.


Is Your Level of Physical Fitness Affecting Your Professional Success?

This has been one of my favorite topics for quite some time. There are numerous reasons to stay physically fit including but not limited to: improvement of your physical health, improvement of your mental health, and even finding happiness and fulfillment in your life. By just finding 30 minutes a day to exercise, you can make a wide variety of positive changes in your professional life as well.

Tools for Entrepreneurship

I have received numerous questions about what things would help new, budding entrepreneurs get off to a great start. These are some tips, tricks, habits, and principles that have helped me achieve my goals. I can’t promise they will all work for you, but hopefully a few of them will. Take notes, try a few, and research more to try. I wish I would … Read More Tools for Entrepreneurship